Extensions XenForo - 2.2.X Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons 1.1.1


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22 Décembre 2015

[TH] Nodes allows you to style your nodes, icons, and so much more. Rather it being changing the node color, style, or icon on a specific node for just one or two of your themes.

Download: https://veryleaks.cz/resources/nodes-for-grid-custom-styling-and-custom-icons.12481/

Features include:
  • Allows for multiple column layouts of nodes that can be set globally for all categories, on individual categories, or within a category
  • Layouts are fully responsive based on the device viewing them allowing for the theme creator to decide how to optimally show the nodes on their forum
  • Allows for customization of individual nodes backgrounds, and colors
  • Allows you to set a custom read/unread icon for each forum
  • Also this add-on allows you to navigate to a forum or sub-forum faster by clicking the more link below the node. Also, you can post a new thread easily by clicking the plus symbol which is also below each node.

Want to see it live? Check out the demo here.

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