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- Inscrit
- 22 Décembre 2015
RSS feed 2.9
Download: RSS feed widget.
Easily show RSS feeds from other web sites or your own forum.
(Example of RSS feed widget)

(Example of Options page)

(Example of User group permissions)

- Download and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/RSSFeed directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
To add a RSS feed widget in the sidebar do the following:
1) Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
2) Add widget
3) Select RSS feed and Add widget
4) Enter the following:
Widget key = rss_feed
Title = leave blank
Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar
Questions and Answers:
Q: I updated the Options page but my changes don't show in the widget.
A: The widget is update by Cron Entries every 10 minutes.
Database table:
This add-on creates a table called xf_andy_rss_feed in your database.