XenForo 1.X [1.0.2][WMTech] Personal Like Statistics


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Level 5

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14 Décembre 2015
Bonjour ,​

XenForo : Ici

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Description :
Personal Like Statistics adds a new tab to the profile pages of your users where the top users who are liked by that user and the top users who liked content of that user can be seen.

Admin options include permissions for users and user groups to see that profile tab only at his own profile page or at all profile pages. Also there is a configurable user permission on how many top users can be seen (1-25) in the statistics.

Code Quality Guarantee:
We guarantee that our add-ons are coded very carefully and thoughtfully by professional PHP, JS & MySQL programmers. The code is robust and written with performance and reliability in mind. It has been tested extensivly before being released and can be used even at large forum installations.
We also guarantee that our add-on does NOT use and does NOT include any callbacks. It does not ever transfer any of your data to a foreign server!

Current compatibility:
This add-on is compatible with Xenforo 1.2.x (tested with XenForo 1.2.5), XenForo 1.3.x (tested with XenForo 1.3.1), XenForo 1.4.x (tested with XenForo 1.4.8) and XenForo 1.5.x. Sorry, not compatible with XenForo 1.1 or smaller.
Hint: See FAQ for information about unsupported use of this add-on with XenForo 1.1

Demonstration Information:
Like to try this product out? No problem!
Demo can be found >>here<<.

Detailed Installation / Upgrade Intructions can be found at our support site (direct link). We recommend reading it.

Permission control options for all users and user groups:
  • See the Personal Like Stats Tab for all users.
  • See the Personal Like Stats Tab only on his/her own profile page.
  • How many Top Users should be shown (1 - 25)
Instructions & Manual:
We care about our add-ons!
This is why you can find detailed instructions at our support site:

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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