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Ample Guitar SJ aim to bring a Gibson SJ-200 Vintage Custom Shop Acoustic Guitar sound to your studio.
Technology :
CPC (Customized Parameters Control) - any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
Double Guitar.
Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
Alternate Tuner.
Multiple Capo...
Technology :
CPC (Customized Parameters Control) - any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
Double Guitar.
Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
Alternate Tuner.
Multiple Capo Logics - providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo...
An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best. FabFilter Pro-Q 4 delivers with the highest possible sound quality, a very extensive feature set, and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use.
Pro-Q 4 builds on the...
An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best. With FabFilter Pro-Q 3, you get the highest possible sound quality, a very extensive feature set, and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use.
Break through creative barriers and speed up your workflow with a powerful AI chord progression generator for creating melodies, basslines, and arpeggios.
Generate stunning ideas
Unlock AI-powered chord progressions and more with an intuitive plugin that aligns unique sounds to your personal...
OLDTIMER perfectly captures the unique characteristics of 60s bucket brigade delay (BBD) and 70s digital systems in one dual-topology delay. Seamlessly blend these decade-defining delays to create characterful vintage echoes with entrancing rhythmic and spatial effects.
Jaycen and our team at Cradle spent three years refining every detail of The God Particle — from harmonic algorithms to UI functionality, no stone was left unturned in our pursuit.
With the mission to completely replace every aspect of Jaycen’s analog workflow, hundreds of hours were spent in...
The Scream is a very detailed discrete component model of the classic green Tube Screamer pedal. It has input and output class-A transistor buffers, Boyle macro modelled op-amps, and a selection of fully customisable clipping diodes. In fact every value of every component can be changed and...
The Scream is a very detailed discrete component model of the classic green Tube Screamer pedal. It has input and output class-A transistor buffers, Boyle macro modelled op-amps, and a selection of fully customisable clipping diodes. In fact every value of every component can be changed and...
ECHOSON is the Overloud recreation of a legendary Italian magnetic drum delay unit. Its unique tone defined the Pink Floyd sound in the '70s.
<b>Contenu masqué</b>
SPL and Brainworx, the masters of analog modeling, are back with the plugin of SPL BiG. The 2024 TEC Signal Processing Award-winner, this studio stereo expander won praise from the pros for its huge sound and ingenious design. BiG is fun to use. BiG is distinct. BiG offers new imaginative...
The Ultimate Super Synth
Experience a synthesizer that truly does it all. Packed with cutting-edge features and unmatched versatility, NEXUS5 is your gateway to limitless creativity.
Unparalleled Sampling Power: Seamlessly import single samples, multi-samples, or entire libraries. Automatic...
Our multi-award-winning KICK drum plugin just got a monumental upgrade.
KICK 3 allows you to effortlessly sculpt, shape, and create the perfect kick drum tailored to your tracks, now with groundbreaking new features that push sound design to new heights.
No longer limited to synthesizing the...
The Ultimate Super Synth
Experience a synthesizer that truly does it all. Packed with cutting-edge features and unmatched versatility, NEXUS5 is your gateway to limitless creativity.
Unparalleled Sampling Power: Seamlessly import single samples, multi-samples, or entire libraries. Automatic...
UpdraftPlus – Votre Solution de Sauvegarde pour WordPress
UpdraftPlus est un plugin de sauvegarde populaire pour WordPress. Il permet de sauvegarder facilement vos fichiers et votre base de données, et de restaurer votre site en cas de problème. Que vous soyez novice ou utilisateur expérimenté...
WP Rocket – Le Plugin de Cache pour Booster la Vitesse de Votre Site
WP Rocket est un plugin de cache pour WordPress qui vise à améliorer la vitesse de votre site sans nécessiter de configuration complexe. Il est conçu pour être simple à utiliser tout en offrant des fonctionnalités avancées pour...
Magic SEO – Optimisez Votre Site Sans Effort
Magic SEO est un plugin conçu pour vous aider à améliorer le référencement de votre site WordPress sans avoir besoin d’être expert en SEO. Avec une approche simple et guidée, il vous permet d’optimiser vos pages et vos articles pour mieux apparaître...
Image Map Pro – Ajoutez de l’Interactivité à Vos Images sur WordPress
Image Map Pro est un plugin pratique pour créer des images interactives sur WordPress. Que vous souhaitiez mettre en valeur un plan, une infographie, ou simplement ajouter des zones cliquables sur une image, ce plugin vous...
Gravity Forms – L’Indispensable pour Vos Formulaires WordPress
Gravity Forms est un plugin bien connu des utilisateurs de WordPress pour créer des formulaires de toutes sortes. Que ce soit pour un simple formulaire de contact, une inscription à une newsletter ou un sondage, cet outil offre une...